7 Benefits of using a Rose Quartz Roller & Gua Sha - Alluring Minerals

7 Benefits of using a Rose Quartz Roller & Gua Sha

If you're looking for a way to give your skin some extra love, you may want to consider using a rose quartz roller and gua sha. These tools can help promote circulation, support lymphatic drainage, and reduce inflammation. Here are seven benefits of using a rose quartz roller and gua sha:

1. Improve your complexion.

2. Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Help diminish dark circles under your eyes.

4. Help promote collagen production.

5. Reduce puffiness and inflammation.

6. Increase circulation.

7. Help you relax and de-stress.


Rose quartz roller and gua sha: what are they and what do they do?

Rose quartz is a type of crystal that's associated with love, compassion, and heals the heart. Rose quartz roller and gua sha are two popular ways to use this crystal.

A rose quartz roller is a tool that you can use to massage your face. It's said to help with lymphatic drainage, reduce puffiness, and help your skin absorb products better.

Gua sha is a traditional Chinese healing technique that involves scraping your skin with a rose quartz tool (or another type of stone) to improve circulation and promote healing. It's often used for pain relief, but it can also help with inflammation, bruising, and stiffness.

1. Before you start, it’s important to cleanse your skin and tools. I like to do a quick cleanse with warm water using our Purifying Enzyme Cleanser. You can also use a Rose Quartz Roller & Gua Sha to apply your favourite face serum or oil before you begin like our Age-defy Elixir or Enriching Vitamin A Serum.

2. Start by rolling the large end of the roller from the center of your face outwards. Avoid using too much pressure, as you don’t want to tug at the delicate skin on your face. Repeat this motion 3-5 times.

3. Next, use the smaller end of the roller to get into smaller areas around your eyes and mouth. Again, be gentle as you don’t want to pull at your skin. Repeat this step 3-5 times as well.

4. To use the Gua Sha, start in the center of your face and scrape outwards towards your hairline. Be sure to go slowly and avoid any delicate areas like under-eye bags or around the mouth. Do this 3-5 times as well.

5."Finish" by applying a light layer of moisturiser like our Rejuvenating Peptide Moisturise or Glowing Enzyme Moisturiser or oil all over your face and décolletage

Tips for using a rose quartz roller and gua sha

1. For the best results, use your rose quartz roller and gua sha on clean skin.
2. Always use a gentle, light pressure when rolling and scraping.
3. Be extra careful when rolling and scraping around the eye area.
4. Start with your forehead and work your way down to your jawline. Then, move from your cheeks to your neck.
5. Use your roller and gua sha 2-3 times per week for best results.
6. Store your rose quartz roller and gua sha in a cool, dry place when not in use.
7. Be sure to clean your rose quartz roller and gua sha regularly with soap and water.

How often should you use a rose quartz roller and gua sha?

You can use your rose quartz roller and gua sha as often as you like! We recommend using it in the morning and evening, after cleansing and toning your skin. You can also use it throughout the day to refresh your skin.

What to look for when buying a rose quartz roller and gua sha

When looking to purchase a Rose Quartz Roller & Gua Sha, it is important to ensure that the product is made of 100% real Rose Quartz. Many products on the market are made with low quality materials, such as glass or plastic, which can actually damage the skin. A good quality Rose Quartz Roller & Gua Sha will be smooth to the touch and have a slight weight to it. Our Rose Quartz Roller & Gua Sha is 100% genuine from Brazil.

In addition, it is important to choose a product that comes with a storage pouch or box. This will help to protect the crystal and keep it free of dirt and dust when not in use.

How to clean and store your rose quartz roller and gua sha

To cleanse your tools, start by using a soft cloth to wipe away any dirt or makeup. Once they’re clean, hold each one under running water and let the water wash away any negative energy. Be sure to dry them completely before storing them in a safe place.

To keep your rose quartz roller and gua sha in good condition, avoid leaving them in direct sunlight or near heat sources. Also, be sure to cleanse them regularly to keep them free of negative energy.

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